websites of interests

Web Resources

Additional resources for historical seismic data

European Seismological Commission Working Group 02-12 “Preservation, valorisation and analysis of seismological legacy data

The WG fosters collaboration and coordination for the Preservation, Dissemination, and Use of analog seismograms and, also, of bulletins and related documents (bulletins, clock state books, station logs, etc. – even instruments!) generated in the “analog times” (since the starting of instrumental seismic recording up to -approx.- the end of the XXth century).
Find the latest on the availability of analog data in Europe here. [website]

St. Louis University Earthquake Center

Saint Louis University has a long history of monitoring earthquakes and using the science of seismology to study earthquakes and the Earth. The first seismograph was installed in 1909 and its recordings have been preserved in our archive of seismograms. The scientific study of earthquakes really was initiated by Fr. James B. Macelwane, SJ, who founded the first university department of geophysics in the western Hemisphere in 1925. Today’s Saint Louis University Earthquake Center continues a century long tradition of monitoring earthquakes, promoting science and public safety. [website]

Seismic Instrumentation

Kissligner, Carl (1967). Lecture Notes on Seismological Instrumentation. International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 111pp. [pdf]