
Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction

More information about these stations

More than 146,000 high‐quality images of analog seismograms from several academic institutes and agencies in Japan are made available through a database hosted by the Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction (ADEP, Tokyo, Japan). Participating institutions - Hokkaido University, Kyoto University, Tohoku University, University of Tokyo, and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan maintain the original records and copyright.


Anebetsu   1973
Hadano   1924
Konbumori   1973
Mikaiyama and Yagiyama*SEN38.2600140.90001913-1943

+Location is for MTJ as reported by Poppe et al. (1978)
Timespan represents the time interval in which images are available and may not reflect the entire time the station was in operation.


LocationCodeTimespanSeismograph TypeComponentsTotal Scans
AbuyamaABU1931-1963WiecheltV, NS, EW23,307
   Sassa StrongNS, EW 
Akkeshi 1973electromagneticV56
Anebetsu 1973velocityV321
AsoASO1933-1940WiecheltV, NS, EW2,201
   Simple OmoriNS, EW 
Hadano 1924Simple OmoriH201
KamigamoKMM1910-1924OmoriNS, EW679
  1910-1930WiecheltV, NS, EW7,789
Kamikineusu 1967-1976HES JMA versionV, NS, EW13,084
Konbumori 1973short periodV474
MizusawaMIZ1901-1970WiecheltV, NS, EW50,337
  1932-1970NasuV, 2H10,005
Mikaiyama and YagiyamaSEN1913-1943WiecheltV, NS, EW24,788
   MainkaV, NS, EW 
   ImamuraV, 2H 
   NakamuraV, 2 
TsukubaTMJ1958-1972HESV, NS, EW13,287

Recording Medium

TMJ and KMU: 35mmx60cm film
Akkeshi, Konbumori, Anebstsu: ink
All others: Smoked paper

Data Availability

Records can be viewed and downloaded from the ADEP website as jpeg2000 files.

Higher resolution tiff files as well as data not you uploaded, can be requested by emailing: univsusu@adep.or.jp

stationno. availableformatdpicolor
  tiff400256 color

Original analog records and copyrights of image files are held by individual institutes:

  1. Kamikineusu, Akkeshi, Konbumori, Anebetsu: Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
  2. Mizusawa: Mizusawa VLBI Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
  3. Mukaiyama, Yagiyama: Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
  4. Kamigamo, Abuyama, Hadano, Shimabara: Abuyama Observatory, Kyoto University
  5. Aso: Aso Volcanological Laboratory, Institute for Geothermal Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
  6. Tsukuba: Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo


For more information about this collection, please contact: univsusu@adep.or.jp


The Data Retrieval System of Analog Seismograms of some Japanese Academies. http://www.univsusu.adep.or.jp/ last accessed 20 January 2022

Matsu’ura, R. S., N. Umino, Y. Tamura, Y. Iio, M. Kasahara, and T. Ohkura (2020). The Achievement of Archiving Analog Seismograms in Japanese Institutes for 15 Yr, Seismol. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1785/0220190301.

Poppe, B. B., D. A. Naab, and J.S. Deer (1978). Seismographic Station Codes and Characteristics. US Geological Survey Circular 791, 171 pp.

Photo Credit: Hornandsoccer, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons