
Find more information about legacy holdings by organization or network.

Organizations and/or networks that manage legacy seismic data that has been converted to digital images or in same cases digital time series. Data maybe downloadable or available upon request.

See More Info for each station or select the corresponding organization from the Layer Key below.

Layer Key

ASL: Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
Carnegie: Carnegie Institution DTM
CNSN: Canadian Seismographic Network
ERI, U. Tokyo: Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo
ICGC: Institut Cartografic i Geologic de Catalunya
IES, U. Iceland: Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
Japan-ADEP: A collection of Japanese universities hosted by ADEP
JMA: Japan Meteorological Agency
LBSN: Leo Brady Seismic Network
Romania: Romanian Seismological Network
SCSN: Southern California Seismographic Network stations with digital images available
UNAM: Sismoteca Nacional en Linea, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
WWSSN: Worldwide Standardized Seismographic Network

For EuroSeismos, see their website for a station list.

Pop-up Key

Components: Number of components available.
Date Range: Approximate date range in which station was operational.
Type: Types or names of instruments operational during the specified date range:

  • broadband: broadband
  • HGLP: high gain long period
  • LP: long period
  • SP: short period
  • VLP: very long period
  • WA: Wood Anderson

Analog: Media data was originally recorded and in some cases, secondary () analog media.
Digital: Type of digital records that exist.
Organization: Name of organization that maintains the analog records. This is not in all cases the same as the institution that maintains the digital file.

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