
Find nuclear testing monitoring data

Coming soon …

Layer Key

Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Central & Eastern Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, and Romania
LBSN: Leo Brady Seismic Network
Soviet Union: Soviet

See also WWSSN.

Pop-up Key

Components: Number of components available.
Date Range: Approximate date range in which station was operational.
Type: Types or names of instruments operational during the specified date range:

  • broadband: broadband
  • HGLP: high gain long period
  • LP: long period
  • SP: short period
  • VLP: very long period
  • WA: Wood Anderson

Analog: Media data was originally recorded and in some cases, secondary () analog media.
Digital: Type of digital records that exist.
Organization: Name of organization that maintains the analog records. This is not in all cases the same as the institution that maintains the digital file.
Contact: Whom to contact for more information.

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