
Legacy Seismic Data


Information about this resource


The goal of this project is to provide a resource to the community to discover and access legacy seismic data collections worldwide. Legacy seismic data is any data related to the operation of seismic networks that were not collected originally in digital form. This includes seismograms, station bulletins, phase cards etc.

The initial stages of the project focuses on seismogram collections originally recorded on paper but can include data recorded on other media.


This is an open project. Community members may contribute data, updates to the website, and conversation via the github repository.

Code of Conduct

We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free environment, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion (or lack thereof), technology choices and experience level, or other group status.

About the data

The data contain on this website is based on openly available data.


Photo credits:

  • Fabra Observatory - © Wikimedia Commons
  • Bicycles - Gregory Urquiaga © Regents of the University of California, Davis


  • leaflet.timeline: Copyright (c) 2015, Jonathan Skeate
  • beautifyMarker: Copyright (c) 2016 Muhammad Arslan Sajid